Alex Rutherford
About Alex Rutherford
Her dynamic and very straightforward approach attracts a large repeat and referral clientele. This has enabled her to exceed expectations of quality customer service, speed of sale and achieved price. Alex’s point of difference in the real estate industry is her exponential market knowledge, tough negotiator, buyer profiling ability, accuracy in property price statements, enthusiasm throughout and honesty. Her friendly demeanour, infectious laugh and ability to understand her client’s personalities and needs warm and comforts people. Once meeting Alex, they know which agent they will use well before they need one.
Alex continues to undertake regular training in sales and marketing, property law and auctions to make sure she is providing the very best skills in a competitive and ever-changing market. A great agent knows no bounds, and Alex with her wealth of experience and knowledge can sell in any location within 10km to the CBD.
Over the years, Alex has won numerous awards ranging from the prestigious life membership from her former firm through to top 5 salespeople from the Real Estate Institute of Queensland 2011 and 2013. Alex continues to be awarded Black Club status within Place and regally appears around 5th place company-wide.
2021/2022 Financial Year:
1st Quarter - #9 Company Wide
2nd Quarter - #22 Company Wide & Best Domain Presence Award
3rd Quarter - #8 Company Wide
2020/2021 Financial Year:
1st Quarter - #10 Company Wide
2nd Quarter - #9 Company Wide & Best Domain Presence Award
3rd Quarter - #6 Company Wide
4th Quarter - #10 Company Wide & Best Domain Presence Award & #7 Team Company Wide
2019/2020 Financial Year:
1st Quarter - #14 Company Wide & Best Domain Presence Award
2nd Quarter - #11 Company Wide
3rd Quarter - #6 Company Wide
4th Quarter - #3 Company Wide & Best Domain Presence Award & #4 Team Company Wide
2018/2019 Financial Year:
1st Quarter - #7 Company Wide & Top Auction Agent
2nd Quarter - #5 Company Wide & Best Domain Presence Award & Top Auction Agent
3rd Quarter - #6 Company Wide
4th Quarter - #5 Company Wide & Best Domain Presence Award & #4 Team Company Wide