A quick transition from working in reception and accounts at real estate agents, ensured Anne pursued her passion into property management.

Being involved in every aspect of the industry has given Anne the experience needed to be the best she can be for her clients. She has thoroughly enjoyed her 14+ years in in property management - a long time to be in this industry which many people feel is a “glamourous job”, as all they have to do is show a property or do a routine inspection. The reality is property managers wear many “hats” and no two days are the same.

Anne has a passion for the job, and loves going to work each day, as it is a job one either loves or hates, as there is no in between.

Anne’s fairness tempered firmness with tenants has given her an exceptional reputation and she is highly respected as a property manager. She is proud to say in all her years as property manager, there has only been one QCAT hearing - this is an enviable achievement for any property manager.

Communication with owners is very important in her role and she continually emphasizes that even though she “manages your property”, you are still the “owner” of that property – she feels this is one aspect some property managers forget. The key to good property management is communication, whether a quick phone call or email to ask how they are or advising on maintenance and /or other issues. It doesn’t have to be anything to do with the property just a personal message, something which is regarded as old school.

Anne’s family and 4 grandchildren are her world. They make sure work and life balance are kept in proportion, along with a very patient husband who understands when a phone call is answered at 9pm at night or emails answered on a Sunday. All part of the job she loves doing.

Contact ANNE GILLIES at Asset Advantage - NORTH SYDNEY

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